This policy brief presents four directions and 12 opportunities for SCP (Sustainable Consumption and Production) policy-making in Asia and the Pacific put forward by the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP) and PECoP-Asia (Asian academic research consortium-led project; refer to the last page). It reflects their Asian views on SCP policy in line with Agenda 2030. The brief addresses the idea that delivery of SDG 12 should largely depend on taking advantage of emerging forces in Asia including new business models, drivers of wealth, wellbeing and human development, urbanisation, disruptive technologies, and digitisation. SCP innovations are therefore crucial to ensure that these forces do not divert the Asian region away from sustainable development. All of the 12 opportunities presented in this brief indicate promising entry points for SCP policy development and implementation in the era of the Paris Agreement and SDGs.